Friday, March 14, 2008

First visit to the archive

Hello world, today I have had my first ever visit to an archive at Killhope North of England lead mining museum it wasnt half as brown and heritage like as I thought it would be. Everyone was so lovely and helpful and it was so ordered, I admire anyone with that much patience. Each file was tied up lovingly with special string, each file was lovingly filed away in its special place in its special box. If I was an archive document I would like to be cared for this well! Me and Rachel copied lots of pictures of the Margaret Galbraith, a ship that carried many Weardale folk off to New Zealand in the C19th. We also had a good read of the Graham letters which was really difficult, as it just looked like a series of squiggles on a page but eventually we tuned our eyes in and started to get the gist. Unfortunately today was the last day of winter for the volunteers therefore we can not get access until Nov when they open their drawers again .....

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